Westwood Cutting Edge
Putting A 3D printer and a emotiv system together would be a creative invention/innovation. It would allow people to print out what there thinking. In order to invent this we would need people who understand these machines very well, like either machanics or engineers to build and help create this new project. The 3D printer will scan your brain and allow print outs of what you are thinking about, like images and ideas. If this works the user will be able to 3D print what ever they think when wearing the emotiv head gear, like the headset.
Other Possible Projects
1. 3D printer, brings your projects to life. When you are at home you can get ideas of new items and projects that you can change your life.
2. The rasberry pi is a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.
3. A TINY CHEAP MICROPROCESSOR- that can execute coded commands for electronics/robotics that react to the environment. It can make commands for robots that can help the enviorment in many different ways.
4. 3D Scanner Quickly turn the things in your world into 3D models that you can modify, improve, share, and 3D print. 3D Scanner can help you make models that will scan in real liffe and will improve the enviorment.
5. Emotiv- A sleek, multi-channel, wireless headset that monitors your brain activity and translates EEG into meaningful data you can understand. You can put a head set on a person and find out what they are thinking about and you can record the data.
1. Use the emotiv and x-ray machine to take x-rays with your mind
2. Use 3-D printer to make a life size sculture of someone.
3. Use the raspberry pi and the emotiv system as a mind computer.
4. Instant messgaging with the emotiv
5. the Arduino One can be used to make websites.